Let's Talk Azle
Key sectors of the Azle community have joined together to
promote a resilience initiative called Let's Talk Azle.
Let's Talk Azle is endorsed by the City of Azle, the Azle
Independent School District, the Azle Area Chamber of
Commerce and the Azle Area Ministerial Alliance. The
initiative offers ways to improve communications in order
to avoid conflict, build on our commonalities, and strengthen
our relationships amid our differences. The ultimate goal of
Let’s Talk Azle is to build resilience against things that divide,
leading to hate and even extremism.
The idea for Let's Talk Azle came about after a series of focus
groups led by John Thielepape, director of projects at GlocalNet,
an affiliate of Northwood Church in Keller. Utilizing funds from
a small federal grant, the steering committee is working to spread
its message to the public via civic organizations, churches, schools
and other groups with the hope of stopping radicalism and even
violence before they occur.
A steering committee comprised of Todd Smith, Azle ISD superintendent; Kristie Cooper, director of the Community Caring Center; Azle Mayor Pro Tem Randa Goode; Alton Davis, president of the AAMA and pastor of Community Bible Fellowship; David Shaffer, director of Son Shine Minisstries; Jose Villalobos, youth pastor at Primera Iglesia Bautista de Azle; Jamie Westbrook, social worker at Azle ISD; and Dr. Wesley Shotwell, pastor of Ash Creek Baptist Church currently leads the initiative.
To keep up with what's going on or to get more information, like the Let's Talk Azle Facebook page. Be on the lookout for an upcoming YouTube channel that will feature videos about the Let's Talk Azle initiative. And watch the Tri-County Reporter for important updates about Let’s Talk Azle, as well.
In the meantime, check out the topic cards below to see tips for how to talk to your friends and neighbors — and even family members — about important topics.